A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights

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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
Click here to read or listen to this ACIM Workbook Lesson online.

To gain the most from A Course in Miracles Lesson Insights, we recommend that you
read the corresponding lesson in the Workbook of the Second or
Third Edition of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
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Listen to Lesson 305 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 305 Insights

“There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.”

This lesson is designed to motivate us to do our forgiveness work. Christ’s vision is seen through forgiving eyes. So through forgiveness we will find “a peace so deep and quiet, undisturbable and wholly changeless, that the world contains no counterpart.” (1:1) Doesn’t that call to your heart? This is God’s promise to us, because it is His gift, already ours.

This gift is only obscured by our judgment. Forgiveness clears away the fog, opening our minds to Christ’s vision so that we can welcome what God has given us without limit. Every time I judge what seems to be an outside circumstance, a person’s behavior, an event, every time I see death and destruction and believe it is real, I am judging against God and denying His gift. This is why forgiveness is required. Like it says in an earlier lesson, “To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffering: I will forgive and this will disappear.”

Holy Spirit, hold my hand today. I need Your strength. I need Your Love. And I need Your vision so that I may recognize the face of Christ in all I look upon. I offer You my judgments, Holy Spirit and I ask for Your interpretation to replace my own. Thus will I learn to forgive, for You will show me that nothing has occurred to disturb the peace of God’s Son. In gratitude I accept Your strength and Your vision and I would offer it to all I look upon or think about today. Thus will I know the peace that Christ bestows on me.

The sentence that stands out to me in today’s lesson is, “Help us today but to accept Your gift, and judge it not.” (2:2) God’s gift is peace and peace has come to save us from our judgment on ourselves. If I am not experiencing peace at any time during the day, it is not because of outer circumstances. It is because I have chosen not to accept God’s peace.

When I accept God’s peace, I feel God’s peace. I join with peace and become one with it. It fills my mind and changes my perceptions. The ego’s thought system falls away. There is a quietness and a sense of well being that cannot be disturbed. There is a sense of safety and quiet joy that pervades everything I see and everything I do. There is an all encompassing sense of well being and knowing that everything is all right. There is a remembering that what I see through the body’s eyes is just a dream.

I always get what I desire in my heart of hearts. If I want to see separation, that is what I will see. If I want to see conflict, individuality, specialness and lack, that is what I will see. If I want to make decisions on my own, I will join with the ego thought system and the ego will show me a world where I make decisions on my own.

But if I change my mind and choose instead to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I will be brought to a new kind of seeing. I will be brought to a new experience. When I follow Holy Spirit’s lead, I will accept and feel God’s peace. I will become aware of the oneness of God’s Love that lies behind the forms of bodies. I will be guided to see the Love behind the fear. I will be guided to let peace lead the way. I will be guided every step along the way in what to say to my brother, and how to see that his true Identity is Love and nothing else.

With my willingness to open to Holy Spirit’s perspective, my mind will be returned to where it belongs. I will receive God’s gifts of peace, Love and joy. I will forgive or let go of all the empty thoughts of the ego. I will do my part in the Atonement, following Holy Spirit’s lead. The peace of Christ will lead me Home as I am willing to accept God’s gifts.

What a timely lesson for me. Today I woke up and immediately gave up my peace. Just trying to figure out how I would get everything done and hoping I didn’t leave anything out was enough to start the anxiety pumping unwelcome adrenaline through my body.

Another thing I have noticed is that thoughts of a like kind follow one another. If I start thinking about something that I am afraid of, it is like their friends come to join the party. Pretty soon I am feeling overwhelmed.

So, today I am going to call cancel, cancel and start my day over. I am going to put all that important stuff on hold while I get my thoughts going in the direction I want my day to take.

Thank you for the helpful suggestions you made to get me off on the right foot. Forgiveness is a great idea. I still tend to think of forgiveness as person to person, but I can forgive a thought as easily, especially when I remember that forgiveness recognizes the illusion.

I have started a journal of sorts to record my spiritual progress on a daily basis and I will start today’s entry by talking to myself about what I want to forgive and then watch it disappear!

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Listen to Lesson 304 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 304 Insights

“Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.”

Since my perception is a mirror that reflects my state of mind, if my state of mind changes, my perception will change. I am in charge of my state of mind. Like it says in an earlier lesson, “I have a kingdom I must rule.” This kingdom is my mind.

In every moment I am choosing between the ego thought system and the Holy Spirit’s. Because the ego is the idea of separation, when I choose the ego, I will always perceive separation and all the guilt and fear that comes with it. Because the Holy Spirit teaches unity, I will always see wholeness and innocence when I align myself with the Holy Spirit. Christ’s vision will always show me that my brother is part of me in Love.

The world I see will always show me which thought system I have aligned with. If I want happiness, if I want the joy and peace of God, I need only align with the Holy Spirit. With my willingness to join with Him comes the vision that sees the innocent face of Christ in all my brothers. And from this sight I remember my own innocence.

Today I dedicate once again to practicing letting the Holy Spirit guide my thoughts and actions. I would not lead but only follow and thus learn to see with forgiving eyes and recognize the Christ in all.

Thank you Holy Spirit for your patience and your Love, and for your gentle hand that guides me Home.

Holy Spirit, I do not know what anything is for. I have wandered far from Home and have become lost in illusions of being separate from my brother and my Source. The images I have made up have frightened me. I have projected unconscious guilt onto the images I have seen in the world. I recognize that this is a mistake.

Under Your careful and gentle guidance, I will return to my true natural state. I would follow; I would not lead. You are always there in my mind as I am willing to quiet my mind and open to Your voice. Your peace is waiting to fill me up with the Love, joy and peace of God.

I turn to You now with an open mind. I accept Your presence and Your gifts. I bring every concern or fear to You and open my mind to Your healing Light. I am grateful to know that the truth is true and nothing else is true. I am grateful to remember that only Love is real. I am grateful to be shown what is real in every circumstance. I am grateful to let my mind be healed. I am grateful to be open to the sight of Christ that I may see the Christ mirrored in the world. On my own I know nothing. With You all that is real is recognized and felt. “Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.”

The two lines that caught and held my attention were: “Perception is a mirror, not a fact. And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward.” (1:3-4)

I look around me this morning (both physically and mentally) and feel both good and dissatisfied. Some of what I see directly reflects the spiritual changes I have experienced in my life recently and bring me great joy. Some of what I see reflects those thoughts that have not been healed.

I am comforted to know that perception is a mirror and not a fact. I am not stuck with these unhealed areas in my life. I can give them to Holy Spirit for healing. I feel very encouraged in this because I have seen the result of doing so.

I am grateful for the reminders to step back and not to lead. When I see that something needs to be done, my mind immediately rolls up it’s sleeves to get to work. Then I remembered what I had just read about stepping back and I thought about how it was my ego that made the unhappy image I am seeing. I don’t want the ego in charge of changing it! As I step back I take each thought I want healed, one at a time, to Holy Spirit and ask for healing. I feel such gratitude that I can so easily do this. I feel determination to repeat the process as often as I need to.

Thank God that perception is a mirror and not a fact. This thought gives me strength because today I know that my perception is distorted so the world I see is not true. Today I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and lead me from darkness to light, to truth. When I do this, little specks of light start to come together and strengthen my trust in Him and I believe that in this Light is the memory of my Heavenly Father and of my true Self.

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Listen to Lesson 303 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 303 Insights

“The holy Christ is born in me today.”

Let me welcome my true Identity today. Let me open my mind to God’s gifts of peace, joy and Love. Let me recognize the truth today. Let me give my true Identity a chance. Let me open to the Light of Truth, Who will shine away all the belief in separation still residing in my mind. Let my mind be transformed today.

Let God’s Thoughts fill my mind. Let me extend God’s Love and see God’s Love behind every barrier to Love. Let me rest in God’s Sanity. Let me remember the truth that there is only one Self behind every form of separation I see today. Let me practice waking up to the truth today. Let the holy Christ be born in me today.

As I identify with my Self, the Son as God created Him, the holy Christ is born in me. The birth of Christ in me is simply the recognition of my Self as God created me, along with all my brothers. The more I accept this, the more peace I experience. There is less conflict because I recognize more and more that we all share the same interest.

We all want to extend Love, for that is our nature. There is no conflict in that. Everyone, without exception, wants the peace of God, no matter what their behavior. This is because we all want to remember our Self and be What we were created to be. To do this, we must let go of the barriers that hide our Self from us. It is we who hold those barriers in place and it is we who must let them go. That is why forgiveness is central to the Course’s teaching. Forgiveness removes the barriers to Love’s presence. Forgiveness allows the holy Christ to be born in me today.

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Listen to Lesson 302 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 302 Insights

“Where darkness was I look upon the light.”

As it says elsewhere in the Course, God is Love and nothing else. So the second paragraph could be read as “Love awaits us as we go to Love. Love walks beside us, showing us the way. Love is the end we seek and Love is the means by which we go to Love.”

In this world we cannot experience the Love of God fully. Love is one and cannot be experienced while belief in separation is maintained. But there is a reflection of Love in this world that is the means by which we can return to the full experience of the unity of God’s Love. This reflection of Love is forgiveness. Forgiveness clears away the darkness so the Light of Love can shine upon our vision and show us the truth of our unity with All That Is.

Because of the countless forms of this world it seems that forgiveness must be applied again and again. Circumstances that call for forgiveness seem to be different. But the need for forgiveness in every circumstance comes from one core mistaken idea. That idea is the demand that God give us special favor, that He give His Love unequally.

Gradually as we practice forgiveness, we begin to see that all circumstances in which conflict and guilt seem to occur are the same. The Light of Love shows us that where we believed there was division, there is only unity and wholeness. Where we saw guilt, there is only innocence. Where we thought there was harm, there was harmlessness. Love walks beside us and shows us the way to the full recognition of our Self, of Love. Forgiveness lets go of the barriers to that recognition. As we let go of the veils, the clarity of our Love that we share with God comes fully into our awareness and we recognize God’s world. We recognize Heaven, the eternal, joyous giving and receiving of Love.

As I learn to attend the Love that walks beside me, I will look only upon the Light.

The sentence that stands out to me in this lesson is, “Now we see that darkness is our own imagining, and light is there for us to look upon.” (1:5) I see that I awaken as I recognize that the darkness I see ‘out in the world’ is my own imagining. I awaken as I recognize that the Light is there for me to look upon. I see that this is my daily opportunity.

The world of separate bodies is a dream. A world of differences is a dream. This world is a projection that does not leave my mind. If I see darkness out in the world, it is a reflection of a belief in darkness that still resides in my mind.

I have a choice. I can continue repeating projection from the past or I can make the choice to recognize the Light that is there for me to look upon. The choice I make depends on what I want to reinforce within myself. I am either holding the ego’s hand or the Holy Spirit’s Hand with every thought.

I would use this day as a practice to open my mind to the Light that is eternally there to see, if I am willing to see It. Today I can reinforce the dream or practice letting it go, seeing it for the nothingness that it is.

The truth is, God is. Love is. There is no ‘other.’ Am I willing to recognize Love today or will I try to make the darkness real? Today I am willing to practice opening to the truth that only Love is real. “Where darkness was I look upon the light.”

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Listen to Lesson 301 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 301 Insights

“And God Himself shall wipe away all tears.”

As we learn to open to and receive Holy Spirit’s correction in perception, we are led to see that a perception of individual bodies with separate minds is false. The sight of separation comes from belief in separation. With belief in separation comes guilt and fear. Guilt and fear bring tears or the experience of lack and loss.

As we learn to undo this belief in separation with the help of our true Self, the tears are wiped away because we see that the separation we believed in is false and never happened. We see that these images of separation just came from false ideas. We quietly lay them down and no longer desire them or want to see them.

As we continue the process of laying down all our false beliefs that stem from the false idea of separation, our tears are wiped away many times. We learn to generalize the correction in our perception to every false idea we have been hanging on to.

As these false ideas gradually recede from our sight, a new world appears. God’s world is the opposite of the world of separation. God’s world is all inclusive. There is a total joining rather than division or separate factions. Differences fall away.

This is where we are now — letting the false ideas fall away with Holy Spirit leading the way. As we continue to be led to God’s world, we dream a new dream, one that leads to the end of all dreams.

Today I would practice being mindful of whose hand I am holding, the ego’s or the Holy Spirit’s. Am I seeing through the eyes of separation or seeing through the eyes of the Holy Spirit, Who always brings me to perceiving oneness? If I am holding the ego’s hand, I will focus on differences, conflict and lack. If I am holding Holy Spirit’s hand I will feel the peace and joy of recognizing the Spirit of God behind all forms, the abundance and joy of God behind this physical world.

Today I will practice joining with Holy Spirit in laying down the dream of separation and recognizing God’s world.

It is important not to confuse God’s world with the world we are used to seeing with the body’s eyes. Because God Himself is formless, being Love and nothing else, there can be no forms in His world. God’s world is Heaven, where all is joined in one eternal Love.

As long as we judge, we cannot know this world, for judgment requires division and separation. We experience the world of form because we have rejected or judged against God’s oneness. Having rejected our Source, which means we have rejected Love, sadness and depression are inevitable. It is impossible to be happy when we believe we are cut off from Love. It is not God Who has cut us off. It is we who have denied His Love.

The judgment against God’s Love has led to the perception of a world of judgment. All things are separated by some distinction. It is only through differences that we are able to distinguish one form from another. In this world we believe that judgment is essential for survival. We spend many years in training ourselves how to judge correctly so that we will be safe and be able to survive. We learn about history so that we can be more effective judges in the present.

While we believe we are in this world of forms, judgment is necessary. But it is important for us to learn a new way of judging that is not of this world if we are to escape the fearful dream of separation. We learn this new way of judging from the Holy Spirit. His judgment is simple. He knows that everything is either real or unreal, and what is unreal can have no effect.

As we learn to follow His lead and let Him judge on our behalf, He leads us to the edge of judgment. Here we stand and make our final judgment, in which we recognize that we are innocent, along with all that lives. When this is fully recognized without exception, we are free to take God’s Hand as He lifts us gently into His world, where judgment never existed. There are no tears here, for there is no loss. In God’s world there is only the eternal extension of Love and the joy that comes from giving and receiving with All That Is.

Today I would take the Holy Spirit’s hand and let Him guide all my thoughts. I would let Him judge all things on my behalf so that I may learn to see the innocence He sees. Thus will I forgive the world and relinquish all judgment, for I desire with all my heart to know God’s world.

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Listen to Lesson 300 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 300 Insights

“Only an instant does this world endure.”

In this lesson we are being gently guided to let go of our insane stories of separation and individuality. We have wandered from the truth of our real Identity. As we quiet our minds and let go of these insane stories about a world of time and space, we go beyond them to the eternal Presence of peace, love and joy. We cease wanting to see separation. We become willing to acknowledge God as our only Source. We become willing to acknowledge that we are Love, just as God is and that nothing else is real. We become willing to return Home.

Today I would practice letting false perceptions go. I would practice seeing each perception as a passing cloud that softly disappears. I would practice quieting my mind and asking for the truth.

I can let this world of pain, suffering and death go in an instant. I do this through forgiveness. Holding on to the images of this world and insisting on their reality is just an unwillingness to accept my Self as God created me. Thus ultimately forgiveness is forgiving God for not giving individuality and specialness.

It may appear that some other person criticized or somehow offended my image of myself. It may appear that some microorganism attacked my body, which is part of my image of myself. It may appear that some terrorist attacked our nation. Yet all these appearances are but the acting out of my wish to have a separate identity I can call my own.

It is impossible to have a separate identity without having to defend its form, protect it against intrusion and change. So complete forgiveness means that I let go of the demand for a separate identity and welcome God’s Love, given equally to all.

His Love is always offered. It waits only on welcome. In this moment of welcome, fear is undone and peace returns to my awareness. I remember that I am God’s extension of His Love. All this returns to me with the one decision to accept my Self as God created me.

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Listen to Lesson 299 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 299 Insights

“Eternal holiness abides in me.”

Because eternal holiness abides in me, it abides in everything and everyone, because all is one. By believing that the idea of separation is real, I have taught myself the opposite. I have taught myself that I am guilty and that everything that I look on is guilty or will in some way punish me for my guilt. This belief obscures my awareness of my holiness. But by the grace of God, it cannot change it nor alter it in any way.

To recognize my holiness, I need only choose a different Teacher. In making the choice to listen to the Holy Spirit instead of the ego, I make the choice to become aware of my eternal holiness. He will teach me to recognize illusion as illusion. He will teach me that separation has never occurred and could never occur in reality. The success of His teaching is guaranteed, because He is teaching what I already know in truth. He only needs to help me undo the false ideas I have taught myself to reveal the truth that still remains untouched by all the mistaken ideas.

His teaching is kind and gentle and loving. There is never condemnation but only compassionate understanding. He sees the illusions I see, but He does not believe them. As I learn to walk with Him, I too will learn to recognize illusions and not believe them. That is my healing and my release. The joy that lies within me is revealed and I cannot help but offer it to all, for joy is the motivation to share.

I thank You Father for holding my holiness perfect for me. Though I walk in the wilderness of imagined guilt and fear, You hold my holiness in perfection for me. You know me as I am, not as I imagine I am. I am grateful for the gift of my Teacher in my mind, who reminds me of Your Love and Your peace and Your joy, which You will to be mine and so they are. As I practice thinking with the Holy Spirit, I remember eternal holiness abides in me.

In much of the world, Jesus is the symbol of eternal holiness. What we are coming to learn and understand is that the holiness of Jesus is within everyone. The holiness that Jesus represents is the what we all are. This holiness is our true Self, Which is one.

As we are willing to open up to the eternal presence of Jesus in our minds, we all are led home to our Source. We all will remember that we never left the Mind of God. We all will wake up from the dream and remember that the dream never happened. Meanwhile, our work now is to open our minds to the loving presence of Jesus. Our job now is to refrain from making any decisions on our own. Our job now is to allow Jesus to hold our hand and lead us back to remembering the truth.

We cannot hold the ego’s hand and Jesus’ hand at the same time because they are going in opposite directions. We are the decision maker. As we choose, so will we experience. Jesus leads toward peace of mind and the ego leads toward a conflicted mind.

Jesus, today I consciously choose to walk with you all through the day. I consciously choose to step back and listen to your healing perspective. I consciously choose peace instead of conflict. I consciously choose unity rather than separation. I give this day to you. Amen.

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Listen to Lesson 298 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 298 Insights

“I love You, Father, and I love Your Son.”

In the popular television series, Survivor, each episode involves some challenge in which the participants must overcome their fears to gain a reward. They are willing to go through their fears because of the value they place on the reward. In some cases, more value is given to the fear and so they are not willing to walk through it to get the reward. This is a game of challenging illusions which seem fearful to gain a reward that is but another illusion which seems to have greater value.

In this lesson we are told that we can be sure that we can go through fear to meet our Love. In this case we walk through the illusion of fear to gain a reward that is real and eternal. We have help in going through the fear in the form of the Holy Spirit in our minds. And because the reward is actually the reality of What we already are, it’s achievement is inevitable, guaranteed by God.

There is no greater reward than the eternal, infinite Love of God. The means to reach it is in our minds. We need only bring all our thoughts to the Holy Spirit for His clarification and cleansing. He will bring them to the Light of Love. Fear will disappear, for we will recognize only Love is real.

Today I would practice once again bringing all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit to receive His interpretation. I would decide nothing on my own, for on my own I do not know what anything means. I would let Him guide my thoughts, my words and my actions so that I may be His messenger in this world and teach only Love.

My job now is to accept only what God establishes as mine. My job now is to let go of senseless journeys, mad careers and artificial values. My job now is to recognize that I am not a separate individual with a separate mind. In truth I am joined with my brother in the one Mind of God and differences hold no place in God’s Mind.

Loving my Father is accepting my Father as He truly is without trying to change Him. Loving my brother means seeing past the images of separation to the extension of Love my brother truly is. My purpose now is to welcome the complete thought reversal that the Holy Spirit brings to my mistaken mind. The Holy Spirit shows me that the images of separation I see through the body’s eyes could never be true and that Love, which is the only truth, could never change.

It is only when I try to change God’s reality that I experience fear. Separation is a fearful thought indeed. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I walk through the fear to see that the false images of separation seen through the body’s eyes have been nothing all along. They were only false ideas that could never be real. Once these images are seen for the nothingness that they are, fear falls away.

Today I practice recognizing the eternal truth in the title of this lesson, “I love You Father, and I love Your Son.”

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Listen to Lesson 297 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 297 Insights

“Forgiveness is the only gift I give.”

“Grace” is a term that has been difficult for me to understand. Perhaps that’s a reflection of resistance. Today God’s grace means to me that He is true to Himself. He would not change the oneness of His eternal Love to meet the demand of the ego’s insane wish to have more Love than another. God could not divide Himself and still remain Himself. This is God’s grace to me at this moment.

Because of His grace, I can trust God. I know that He is always the same, forever Love. I know that He always gives me all of His Love as He does to all of His creations. I know that I can count on Him to never withhold His Love or limit It in any way, because if He did so, He would not be true to Himself. And God is always true to Himself. That is His grace. Because of it, God is my rock and my strength. He is my Source and my Identity. He is my joy and my peace. In Him is my freedom from all fear and all guilt. In Him is my perfect safety. All this is mine because of the grace of God’s changelessness. Thank You God for Your grace. I accept Your blessing by offering Your blessing to all. I accept Your peace by offering it to everyone. I accept salvation from You by offering it to the world. I do this by looking past the illusions of form and seeing the innocence You see in me.

Forgiveness means allowing my perceptions to be corrected by the Holy Spirit. I am dreaming about having a separate identity that is attached to a body. This dream is not true. Forgiveness is letting go of the false ideas held within the dream. So forgiveness is a constant process that happens everyday of my “life.” It is a constant letting go process. It is a letting go of what never was or ever could be.

I understand that it is a gradual process. I understand that forgiveness is a gift to myself and a gift to the world. As I receive the gift of forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, I give this gift of healed perception to the world.

I have been mistaken about what I thought I was and what I thought the world was. What I have valued in the past has been false and meant nothing. As I continue to practice opening my mind to have every thought transformed by the Holy Spirit, I free myself and the world from the chains of limitation, lack and loss, because we are one.

Each day is a continuous practice in forgiveness. Only the Holy Spirit knows how to heal my mind. Today I would step back and not think I know anything on my own. I would practice seeing past illusions to the truth, with Holy Spirit’s help. I would practice looking through Christ’s eyes and letting my mind be healed today. In this way, forgiveness is the only gift I receive and the only gift I give.

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Listen to Lesson 296 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 296 Insights

“The Holy Spirit speaks through me today.”

When the Holy Spirit speaks, His message is always, like the Course, a message of forgiveness. Thus when the Holy Spirit speaks through me, it is a message of forgiveness. The Holy Spirit speaks through me by demonstration. Words without demonstration are meaningless. It is as I demonstrate forgiveness in my life that the Holy Spirit speaks through me.

I forgive when I recognize that there is truly nothing to forgive. All seeming events in this world are illusions, whether or not I think they are real. As I listen to the Holy Spirit’s teaching and accept it as true, I learn to recognize the illusion for what it is. At first, it seems only possible to apply it in certain specific instances. This is not because the Holy Spirit’s teaching does not apply universally. It is only because I am not willing to bring all my thoughts to the Holy Spirit for His gentle correction. But the Holy Spirit is happy to receive every thought of fear and guilt I am willing to bring to Him.

Each thought I bring to Him He shows me is untrue, an illusion, a mistaken perception. As I bring more and more of my thoughts to Him, I begin to recognize the common thread that underlies them all. I begin to see that what I thought were distinct and different circumstances are really the same. And thus forgiveness of a seeming single event generalizes to embrace all events that I recognize as similar.

This progression leads to the point where I will recognize that all events, circumstances and apparent happenings in this world are the same; all are illusions. With this recognition, I let them all go and I see a forgiven world, the real world. I am ready to take God’s Hand and return to the Heaven that is my Home.

Holy Spirit, today I dedicate to continuing the practice of bringing all my thoughts to You and opening my mind to Your healing correction. Thus will I think with You and offer only Your Thoughts to the world. I would let You speak through me today.

As I continue to practice recognizing daily that the world I see is a dream that I made up, I hand it over to the Holy Spirit’s gentle correction. It is the Holy Spirit in my mind that knows how to heal dreams of separation. It is the Holy Spirit in my mind That has the answer for every conflict I perceive. The Holy Spirit knows how to look past the dream to the truth that lies behind and will show me this truth if I but ask. The dream I made appears so real that I do not recognize it as a dream. The Holy Spirit needs to be my constant Companion and Guide through this maze I made.

My practice today is to step back and listen to the Holy Spirit’s healing perception. The Holy Spirit always shows me that separation is not real, that guilt is not real. The Holy Spirit shows me the innocence and unity that lies behind every conflict I perceive. Thus the Holy Spirit brings me peace of mind.

Today I would practice opening to the Holy Spirit again and again that all my perceptions be corrected. On my own I know nothing. With the Holy Spirit, I am led to wake up from the dream of separation. The Holy Spirit speaks through me today through demonstration.

Where is my mind? Right now, am I joining with the ego or with the Holy Spirit? The ego always brings perceptions of conflict. The Holy Spirit always brings perception of innocence and unity. What I see tells me which guide I am choosing. Today I will practice choosing the easy path to God.

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Listen to Lesson 295 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 295 Insights

“The Holy Spirit looks through me today.”

When I look through the body’s eyes, it sure doesn’t seem that what I see is coming from my mind. It seems like a tree falling over in the wind or a leaf falling from a tree, a ripple on the lake has nothing to do with my mind.

It’s all part of the ego’s scheme to make separation seem real. At the core of this scheme is the belief that I am a body. If I did not believe that the body is real and that I am the body, I would not believe anything the body’s eyes see.

Yesterday’s lesson reminded me that God did not make the body but He did create His Son, Who is me and remains part of Him. Identification with the body blocks awareness of my Self, God’s Son. Offering Christ the gift of my eyes so that the Holy Spirit may look through me is how I step back from body identification. What the Holy Spirit sees has nothing to do with the body. His is the vision of Love. Thus with His vision I see Love and recognize It within my Self.

As I learn to question everything the body’s eyes show me and ask instead to receive Christ’s vision, I open my mind to the awareness of my Self, of Love. Nothing that seems to happen to the body that I have called me has any effect whatsoever on What I am. I am Love’s extension and all there is to see is Love’s extension. I am perfectly safe, for Love is harmless, kind and forever at peace. This is the gift I receive when I give my eyes to Christ today. It is the gift of freedom from all pain, all sorrow, all fear and guilt. It is the gift of recognition of my Self, seen in everyone I look upon as unity is restored to my mind. And I give thanks.

Christ asks that He may use my eyes today in order to show me unity where I once saw separation. When Christ uses my eyes, I will be shown what forgiveness shows me. I will be shown unity rather than division, Love rather than fear, peace rather than conflict, joy rather than sorrow, goodwill rather than the projection of judgment and hatred.

I am either seeing through the eyes of Christ or I am seeing through the eyes of the ego. The ego shows me the separation that stems from the belief that I broke off from the All and became an individual self, separate and alone. With this belief comes the illusionary perception that I can make decisions on my own, and that I can have a will separate from God’s. The ego thought system creates the semblance of having a split off mind that is separate from God’s Mind. This split off mind makes illusions of separation appear to be real. It makes the separation I see through the body’s eyes appear to be solid and real.

On the other hand, I can choose to see through the eyes of Christ. Through the eyes of Christ, I see the opposite of what the ego shows me. The eyes of Christ show me that individuality and being different from Love are not true. The eyes of Christ see past the illusions of separate forms to the one formless Mind of Love That is What we all are. The eyes of Christ bring the awareness of the eternal present, the eternal now, the holy instant. The eyes of Christ see past the illusion of time and space to an awareness of the eternal Love of God, Which is all that is real.

Holy Spirit, I ask only that I see through the eyes of Christ today. I want to see the truth of oneness instead of illusions of separation. I want to forgive all my false ideas and be brought to what is eternally true. I want to remember my true Identity as eternal Love and let go of what was never real. I want to stop denying my Father and accept my brother as he truly is. I open my mind to seeing through the eyes of Christ today, remembering that what I ask for in my heart of hearts, I receive and give as I have received.

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Listen to Lesson 294 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 294 Insights

“My body is a wholly neutral thing.”

This lesson restates core principles that are presented in other forms in the Course. “My body, Father, cannot be Your Son.” (2:1) is another way of saying, “I am not a body, I am free. I am still as God created me.” The idea that the body is a wholly neutral thing parallels the idea that I give everything all the meaning it has for me. The body is a form representative of all forms in this world. Forms are wholly neutral. It is the meaning we give them that makes them seem good or bad, sinful or sinless. Since my body cannot be God’s Son, the body is clearly not me. Yet the ego teaches us that the body is what we are. So we are being taught to step back from our identification with the body as our identity.

When we cease to believe that the body is what we are, all sense of vulnerability disappears. We no longer have anything to defend. Limitation falls away. We are no longer confined to a little space made up of a few cubic feet of flesh and bones. We no longer need to spend all of our time caring for this thing we think we are, trying to make it look pretty and appealing and sheltering it with status symbols in an attempt to give value to the body. Recognizing the body as wholly neutral means we are free to let the Holy Spirit use it for His purpose, which is to bring forgiveness to the dream. Used for His purpose, there is no fear nor guilt. It is used solely to offer the gift of forgiveness everywhere.

Today I offer all my thoughts about the body to the Holy Spirit in recognition that on my own, I have no idea what the body is for. In offering my thoughts to the Holy Spirit, I open my mind to learn of His purpose. Thus will I walk with Him in peace.

Jesus tells us to ask of everything, “What is this for? What is its purpose?” The Course tells us that the body is a communication device. It is a tool to be used and then laid aside when its use is over. In this world we have identified with the body and mistaken the body as what we are. We have made the body our identity, which is weak, vulnerable and dies. Believing this is not a sin. It is just a mistaken idea to be undone. There is no need for guilt.

It was guilt that caused the body to appear to be real in the first place. Within the ego thought system, the body is used as a separating device in order to to project guilt. The ego uses the body’s eyes to see guilt in something outside of “us” in an effort to relieve the pangs of guilt that are in the ego mind we are identifying with.

As we consistently turn to the Holy Spirit to be our Guide, the body serves a new purpose. The body then serves the Holy Spirit’s plan of awakening from the dreams we made. The Holy Spirit uses every device the ego thought system made for separation and turns it into a useful tool to undo the dream.

What is the body for? The ego and the Holy Spirit have totally different responses. As we grow in our desire to serve only Holy Spirit’s purposes, the body becomes a wholly neutral thing. It becomes a communication device to be used to help in remembering the truth that we are all still the same extension of Love that resides in the Mind of God. This I would practice remembering today and every day.

Isn’t this wonderful news? Thank you God, Jesus, Holy Spirit for the Course. It is the only thing that has made sense in this lifetime. Thank you to all who read this. There is a way out, there is only Joy, there is only Peace. This is Truth.

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Listen to Lesson 293 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 293 Insights

“All fear is past and only love is here.”

I always get what I ask for in my deepest heart of hearts. If I want to see through the Holy Spirit’s eyes, I will receive that. If I want to see through the ego’s eyes, I will see a world of fear. I will see a world of unhappiness, depression and death. I will see specialness, competition and winning or losing. Is this what I would see today? It is my choice.

The Holy Spirit will show me the real world, where only Love is real. The Holy Spirit will show me the real world, underneath the sounds of fear.

Today I open my mind to see the real world. I open my mind to recognize that all fear is past and only Love is here. Today I would practice holding Holy Spirit’s hand, showing me the difference between the unreal and the real. I would let my mind be healed today.

If I experience anything less than perfect peace, I have forgotten that the past is gone. I am holding the past in my mind and overlaying it on the present so that I cannot see the Love that is there. Time was made by the ego as a mechanism for the mind to use to try to hold on to the past. It is trying to say that the past exists and can influence the present. This is the basis for maintaining guilt.

If we did not retain the past in our mind through the belief in time, there would be no memory of the past to feel guilty about. There would be no basis for worry about the future, which is simply a belief that the past can repeat itself because it is not over. In the thought system of time, the past is always lurking, ready to project on the present to hide it so that fear of the future can be maintained.

In the ego thought system, the present moment is always avoided, either by projecting into the future or covering over the present with projections from what is believed to be the still real past. To the ego, the present is to be avoided at all costs, because the ego cannot exist in the present, where only Love is found.

Letting go of the past is what the Course calls forgiveness. Grievances are always about the past. When the past is gone from our mind, there can be no grievances. Most of our grievances we keep unconscious. We may go through many days feeling pretty good. But then somebody says the “wrong” thing one too many times and the grievance raises its angry head. It shows us that forgiveness was needed. Some part of our mind had set a limit on how many offenses it would accept before it would complain. Unconsciously we were keeping a tally, and when the threshold was crossed, the anger or resentment rose to the surface.

At this point we have two options. One is to try to ignore it and hope will go away. Perhaps if we avoid contact with the perpetrator who brought the grievance to the surface. This self deception will seem to work until the next one comes along who does the wrong thing one too many times. Then we discover nothing really changed.

Our other option is to bring the grievance to the Holy Spirit, honestly and openly. We don’t need to hide from the grievance. We do need to acknowledge its presence in our mind and then turn it over to the Holy Spirit. If we release it fully into His hands with an open mind, His Light will show us the basis for release. We will see that where we thought there was harm, nothing occurred. We will recognize the call for Love in the behavior of another and in ourselves.

The Holy Spirit will show us the Love that we are in a way that we can recognize and accept. He will show us that the past and the fear that came with it is gone and only Love is here. Now the grievance is healed.

We may still find grievances coming up because we have not recognized what makes all grievances the same. And so we must practice bringing each grievance as it appears to the Holy Spirit. Gradually we will see the sameness in them all, until at last forgiveness is complete and we see the real world shining in the reflection of God’s Love and we are ready to accept God’s hand as He reaches to us to draw us into the Heaven of His Heart.

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Listen to Lesson 292 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 292 Insights

“A happy outcome to all things is sure.”

The only reason we seem to have problems is because we think the ego thought system (alien will) is real. As long as we believe that, we are clueless about what is actually real. We have no idea of the Love and joy that is ours because they are God’s Will. We flounder around in a world of chaos and uncertainty, oblivious to the happiness God has in store for us. But we do not have to be stuck in this belief system. We need only ask for God’s help to give us the strength and certainty to not interfere with His Will.

Because the ego believes in sin and punishment, the ego tells us that God’s Will for us is punishment and that He will demand sacrifice of us if we “yield” to His Will. The ego has us convinced that it is God’s Will that is alien to us. Yet in truth, we share God’s Will. It is the ego’s will that is alien. The ego’s view of God’s Will is simply a projection of the ego’s belief in sin, punishment and sacrifice.

Again and again the Course tells us in different ways that God’s Will for us is perfect happiness. It seems hard to believe because in our identification with the ego we have never experienced a wholly benevolent will. Our lives are filled with suspicion and doubt. It seems that even our best friends have the potential to turn on us and become our enemies. This is because the relationships we have in this world are based on specialness that is ever changing. God’s Love is unknown in this world, because this world was made to keep Love out. By the grace of God, this need not be. He has given us a healing dream that helps us let go of the fearful world we think we have made. This healing dream is the dream of forgiveness. There would be no need for forgiveness if we did not believe in sin and condemnation. But the illusion of forgiveness is used to help us let go of the guilt and the accompanying fear that comes with the belief that we have separated from Love.

We have help with forgiveness. We need only ask for this help and the strength of God is ours. It is with His strength that we forgive. It is available to us in every moment. A happy outcome is assured because only happiness is real. Forgiveness lets go of the interference that blinds us to the joy and love that is ever present.

Holy Spirit, I ask your help today to let go of the interference, so that I may recognize the happy endings promised me for every problem I perceive.

The sentence that stands out to me in this lesson is, “Help us not to interfere, and so delay the happy endings You have promised for us for every problem that we can perceive, for every trial we think we still must meet.” (2:2) How do I not interfere with the happy ending? Day by day I practice being mindful of the ego’s thought system. I observe it and hand it over to the Holy Spirit for a changed perception.

I practice stepping back from what I think I already know and ask to be shown the truth. I let go of thinking I know anything. I ask for the peace of God and open my mind to receive it. I give times during the day to quiet my mind and leave it open for Holy Spirit’s inspiration. I practice resting in peace, resting in God’s Love, resting in the remembrance that only Love is real. I ask often, “What would you have me do, where would you have me go, what you have me say and to whom?”

I remember that guilt is what makes the world go round and delays the happy outcome. I watch for the times when I am tempted to believe that guilt is real. As soon as I see it, I hand it to the Holy Spirit and ask for a new perception because I have had enough of the alien will. It has not brought me happiness. Separation is really hell. I do not know how to get out of hell, but the Holy Spirit in my mind does. And so day by day, I practice taking all my perceptions of separation to the Holy Spirit to be undone.

As long as I continue to believe in the reality of separate bodies with separate minds, I have more to hand over to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shows me in each instance the unreality of my perceptions. The Holy Spirit shows me the undivided Love that is behind each perception of separation. Whenever I think I have a problem, the Holy Spirit shows me that there is another way of looking at it.

Holy Spirit, help me not interfere and so delay the happy endings.

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Listen to Lesson 291 Insights

ACIM Workbook Lesson 291 Insights

“This is a day of stillness and of peace.”

Stillness and peace are our natural condition. They describe the state in which we were created. The chaos, confusion and conflict of this world are the effect of believing in the illusion that we are separate from our Creator, our Source. We can return to our natural condition by simply giving up our belief in what could never be. Belief makes experience. If we believe that we are separate, we experience all the effects, all the fear and guilt that come with believing we are separate. This need not be.

We experience this world of separation because we chose it. But in any moment we can choose differently. We need only recognize that this world truly offers us nothing that we really want. It seems insane that we would choose a world of pain and suffering. And it is insane. But in our insanity, we do not recognize that we are choosing pain and suffering. We think we are choosing independence, individuality and control of our ‘lives,’ which can be summed up as choosing specialness. In our insanity we do not realize that in choosing to be separate from our Source, which is our strength and our Life, we are choosing weakness and death.

The seeming complexity of the ego thought system, with its countless images, was made to disguise that we are choosing against our happiness and peace. Consequently, though the choice is simple, it is not easy because we have come to place great value in the images we believe are real. We must be taught that these images offer us nothing of value, and in fact, stand as a barrier against the stillness and peace that is our natural condition.

To be taught, we must be willing to be taught. The entire message of the Course is summed up in the introduction. But we need the remaining 1200 pages to bring us to the recognition that the world we thought was so valuable is not what we want. For most of us, it comes gradually. Little by little we see one aspect or another of what we have valued as not bringing us what we want. We become willing to let it go.

We accelerate this process by developing the practice of bringing every image we have in this world to the Holy Spirit and asking for His interpretation, His meaning. In the beginning it seems that we only are willing to bring to Him the things we perceive as painful. Gradually we begin to realize that even the forms in this world that seem to bring us pleasure have a hidden cost that keeps us from recognizing the joy and peace of Heaven that is our inheritance. And so we become more willing to bring all perceptions to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to decide for us what it means.

We ask Him to decide for God on our behalf in all things. As we let the Holy Spirit decide for God for us, He undoes the effects of all our mistaken choices, freeing us from guilt. This is how we have a day of stillness and peace.

The sentence that stands out to me in this lesson is: “This day my mind is quiet, to receive the Thoughts You offer me.” My practice today is to open my mind to the Holy Spirit’s quietness, the Holy Spirit’s peace of mind.

In order to do this, it helps for me to pay attention to the thoughts I am accepting into my mind. I need to be vigilant to my level of peace. I need to be vigilant to keeping my mind open to receive the Thoughts that the Holy Spirit is always offering me.

Today is a day of practice. Today is a day of accepting the Holy Spirit’s perception with every experience I have today. Today is a day of accepting the truth and letting go of the ego’s false ideas.

My first thought as I read this lesson is that today was going to be a real challenge. This is going to be a very busy day with hardly a moment to catch my breath. I wondered how I could experience stillness and peace under those conditions.

Then I thought that these are the conditions under which I most need stillness and peace. I think that it must be possible to have peace at all times, I just have never chosen to do this. I will work on this lesson today and truly seek peace.

This is just another example of living in the illusion but knowing that I am not the illusion. I will be very busy as I take care of the illusion, but will be at peace while I do it, knowing that God is in charge of this, too.

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Below are example references to specific sentences using the notation of the Second & Third Editions of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace:

T-26.IV.4:7 = Text, Chapt. 26, Section IV, paragraph 4, sentence 7.

W-pI.169.5:2 = Workbook, Part I, Lesson 169, paragraph 5, sentence 2.

M-13.3:2 = Manual for Teachers, Question 13, paragraph 3, sentence 2.

C-6.4:6 = Clarification of Terms, Term 6, paragraph 4, sentence 6

The above numbering system of the Second & Third Editions is © Copyright 1992, The Foundation for A Course in Miracles.

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